Фрахтовые ставки из порта Усть-Луга, неделя 34, 2021

Freight Rates from Ust-Luga, Week 34, 2021

  • On week 34, freight rate in the Baltic region short sea market moved up for some directions.

    According to Sea Lines ship brokers, freight rates for 3,000-5,000 dwt bulkers from Ust-Luga to Riga made €19 pmt and those to Gdansk were €20 pmt.

    Freight rates from Ust-Luga made €23 pmt to Szczecin, €25 to Flensburg, and €30 to Hamburg.

    Rates from Ust-Luga were €31 pmt to ARAG, €38 pmt to East Britain, €42 pmt to West Britain, and €42 pmt to Dublin.

    Please note that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration.


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