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DeloPorts Gets Permit to Commission New Grain Berth in Novorossiysk

  • DeloPorts, a stevedore asset of Delo Group, has received a permit from the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Shipping (Rosmorrechflot) to commission the new deep-water grain berth No.40A built in the framework of the large-scale investment project “Reconstruction of the grain terminal with an increase in cargo turnover to 4 million tons”, implemented jointly with Rosmorport.

    The construction of the berth for the KSK Grain Terminal started in June 2019. It included reconstruction of the facilities operated by Rosmorport (the territory and the breakwater), and berthing facilities construction, which was carried out in an innovative way from both sides, from the sea and from the land, with dredging of the water area. The main construction contractor was Novorostekhflot.

    The construction of all the main facilities was completed in January 2021. Dredging in the port basin is ongoing.

    The total cost of the project was 1.6 bn rubles ($21.9 mn), including 190 mn ($2.6 mn) spent on the reconstruction of federal facilities, and more than 1.4 mn rubles spent on the construction of the berth.

    According to the company’s estimates, the first vessel is to be handled at the renewed KSK Grain Terminal in July 2021.

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