Контейнерный рекорд на НУТЭПе

NUTEP Terminal Sets Monthly Container Handling Record

  • In February 2021, Novorossiysk-based NUTEP container terminal, part of DeloPorts, a stevedore asset of Delo Group, set a new record, having handed over 51,264 TEUs in a month. This surpassed the previous record achieved in March 2020 by 746 TEU.

    According to Delo Group, the result was achieved thanks to the high quality of customer service and the speed of cargo handling.

    Igor Yakovenko, Chief Executive Officer of DeloPorts, noted: “Over the last year we have been developing organizational ties within the Group, in our case, between DeloPorts, TransContainer and Ruscon – to optimize the container cargo turnover. Thanks to the improved synergy, the increase in cargo turnover of the terminal was estimated from the start of 2021. The NUTEP was ready for this».

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