Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port has posted operational update for the year of 2020. The aggregate throughput of the group made 110.6 mn tons, 20.9% below the annual result for 2019.
Liquid bulk, which accounts for some 79.4% of the total throughput, declined by 23.3% year-on-year down to 87.8 mn tons. Crude oil traffic dropped by 31.4% to make 53.9 mn tons, much due to the pandemic and the decision to cut production by the OPEC+ members.
Dry cargo throughput decreased by 10.8% down to 22.8 mn tons, including 7.1 mn tons of solid bulk, which grew by 9.3% partly compensating for a 17.6% decline in ferrous metals, which were down to 9.5 mn tons.