Фрахтовые ставки из порта Усть-Луга, неделя 46, 2020

Freight Rates from Ust-Luga, Week 46, 2020

  • A slight downturn is to be observed in the large-tonnage bulker market in the Baltic due to the opening of a large number of Handy and Supramax vessels in the Baltic and ARAG. According to Sea Lines ship brokers, TCE for a Supramax voyage from St. Petersburg to turkey makes about $19,000 a day.

    Most shipments have been fixed for November, and with only December positions remaining, vessels may have to be idled. Baltic Dry Index continued sliding this week, and so did TCE for most vessel types from Handy to Capesize on most trades.

    On week 46, freight rates for 30,000-35,000 dwt bulkers from Ust-Luga declined for most destinations, the only trade that demonstrated growth was West Med.

    Last week, rates on the Ust-Luga – Continent – Ust-Luga rates were $16 pmt, rates from Ust-Luga to ARAG made $17 pmt.

    Rates from Ust-Luga were $29 pmt to West Med rates, and $31 pmt to East Med.

    Rates for 30,000-35,000 dwt bulkers from Ust-Luga to the Black Sea amounted to $33.75 pmt, rates to the Persian Gulf were $33 pmt.

    In the small tonnage bulker segment in the Baltic freight rates grew, assisted by more expensive bunker and a reduction in spot/prompt positions.

    On week 46, freight rates for smaller bulkers from Ust-Luga to most destinations directions increased, with the exception of Riga / Stockholm.

    Thus, rates from Ust-Luga to Klaipeda were €15.5 pmt, and those to Riga and Stockholm were €13.75 pmt.

    Freight rates from Ust-Luga to Hamburg made €23 pmt, and to Bremerhaven €24.5 pmt.

    Rates from Ust-Luga to ARAG were €27 pmt, and those to Dublin €38 pmt.

    Please note that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration.

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