Russian Ports’ Throughput in May 2020: Ore Up 90%

Russian Ports’ Throughput in May 2020: Ore Up 90%

  • The article is based on SeaNews PORTSTAT online service (available for SeaNews subsribers).

    According to SeaNews PORTSTAT analytic online service, the total cargo throughput of the Russian sea ports in May 2020 increased by 2.1% year-on-year.

    Transit was up 6%, export grew by 3.4%. Import declined by 7.6%, and cabotage by 7%.

    More than 50% in the Russian sea ports’ commodity structure is oil and products. In May, crude oil accounted for 29% of the total volume and oil products for 18.6%. Coal and coke constituted 23.3% of the total.

    It should be noted that the highest growth was in the ore segment (+91.5%), foodstuffs (+39%) and grain (+38.1%).

    The commodities that decreased the most were liquid chemicals (-53.5%), Ro-Ro (-42.8%) and metal scrap (-36.7%).

    The Baltic basin accounted for 32.3% of the aggregate cargo throughput via the Russian sea ports in May. The Far East basin handled 28.9%, the Azov and Black Sea basin accounted for 27%, the Arctic basin for 11% and the Caspian basin for 0.8% of the total.

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