Russian Terminals Throughput Bulk (Grub)

TOP-5 Russian Terminals Throughput Bulk (Grub)

  • According to SeaNews PORTSTAT analytic online service, the solid bulk (grab) cargo throughput of all the Russian sea ports during January-September 2019 amounted to 159.9 mn tons (+7.9%). It should be noted that solid bulk (grab) accounts for 25.5% of the total throughput.

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    • in monthly trends and detailed figures of container and cargo throughput via certain port or terminal
    • statistics of any Russian stevedoring company
    • laden/empty container import/export/transit/cabotage figures
    • historic figures since 2015

    You will find all of these in PORTSTAT online statistics service

    Vostochny Port is the leader in terms of solid bulk (grab) cargo throughput with 19 mn tons, up 3.1% year-on-year.

    Rosterminalugol (Ust-Luga) saw its solid bulk (grab) cargo traffic grow by 19.2% up to 18.4 mn tons.

    Daltransugol (Vanino) handled 14.7 mn tons, down 2.2% year-on-year.

    Solid bulk (grab) cargo throughput via Murmansk Commercial Sea Port increased by 2.5% up to 12.9 mn tons.

    Nakhodka MTP handled 7.4 mn tons, up 23.8% year-on-year.

    Stevedore 2019, mn tons
    Vostochny Port 19
    Rosterminalugol 18,4
    Daltransugol 14,7
    Murmansk Commercial Sea Port 12,9
    Nakhodka MTP 7,4

    It should be noted that the stevedores which demonstrated the highest growth did not get into the Top-5. Ust-Luga Container Terminal saw its solid bulk (grab) cargo traffic surge 30.6-fold, Nikolaevsk Commercial Sea Port was up 10.2-fold, Khatanga Commercial Sea Port was up 8.8-fold.

    The largest decrease in solid bulk (grab) cargo traffic was in Nazrybresurs, Kaliningrad branch (-95.2%), Priazovye (Taganrog) (-86.5%) and Anadyr Sea Port (-86.2%).

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