Товарооборот в регионе деятельности Балтийской таможни

Foreign Trade via Baltic Customs

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Foreign trade turnover via the Baltic Customs made some $22.4 mn during 8 months of 2018.

    The number of cargo declarations issued made 230.1 thousand, up 10.39% year-on-year, including 209.8 thousand of import declarations and 20.3 thousand of export declarations.

    In terms of tonnage, 10.2 mn tons of cargo was declared via the Baltic Customs, up 12.8% year-on-year. Import traffic increased 3.9% up to some 7 mn tons, while export surged 37.9% up to 3.2 mn tons.

    A significant share in the import volume is fruit accounting for 24.9%. Other top import commodities are polymer materials, organic chemicals, ferrous metals and equipment.

    The top export commodities are ferrous metals (40.76%), timber and woodwork, inorganic chemical products, fertilizers, and paper and board.

    Major importing countries in the Baltic Customs region in January-June were China, Ecuador, Germany, South Korea and India.

    The top countries of destination for export via the Baltic Customs were Turkey (19.8%), China and Brazil.





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