Фрахтовый рынок Черного моря, неделя 28

Black Sea Freight Market, Week 29, 2018

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    During week 28, freight rates for shipping cargo by coasters in the Black Sea market went $2 up for most destinations.

    Freight rates for shipping coal from Novorossiysk to Marmara grew by $3.  

    Freight rates for Handysize bulkers did not change.

    According to Glogos Project brokers, freight rates for shipping wheat by coasters to the Sea of Marmara from NW Black Sea ports (Ukrainian Yuzhny, Kherson, Odessa, Nikolaev, Ilyichevsk) made $22 per ton.

    Freight rates for shipping wheat by coasters from W Black sea ports (Varna, Burgas, Constanta) were $22 per ton, freight rates from NE Black Sea (Novorossiysk) were $23 per ton.

    Freight rates for shipping metal scrap by coasters from NW Black Sea port to Marmara made $24 per ton.

    Freight rates for shipping coal to Marmara from W Black Sea ports amounted to $18 per ton, and freight rates from Novorossiysk to $22 per ton.

    Please note that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration proceedings.

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