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Foreign Trade via Murmansk Customs

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    According to the Murmansk Customs’ statistics, during H1 2018 foreign trade turnover in the region grew 16.9% year-on-year exceeding $3.35 bn.

    Export was up 35.35%, while import, on the contrary, dropped 67.7%.

    Foreign trade was carried with 59 countries compared to 52 countries in H1 2017. The new entrants to the list are Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Israel, Slovakia and Tunisia.

    The top three countries in terms of export/import value via the Murmansk Customs are the Netherlands (accounting for 39% of the entire foreign trade turnover), Switzerland (22%) and Germany (12%).

    Export value made $3.18 bn, 84% of this is metals and metal ware, 9% is fish and seafood, and 6% is mineral products.

    Import value made $165.6 mn, the top three commodities being machinery, equipment and vehicles (accounting for 35%), chemicals (29%) and mineral products (24%).



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