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Rosatom to Administer Northern Sea Route

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    The RF Government has approved introducing to the State Duma a draft bill authorizing the State corporation Rosatom with powers in respect of developing and operating the Northern Sea Rote and the adjacent territories.

    Rosatom is to become responsible for rendering state service in shipping and state property management in the Northern Sea Route region and on the adjacent territories.

    Rosatom is to act as the administrator of the budget funding and budget earnings as well as the customer of the federal programs aimed at developing and sustainable functioning of the Northern Sea Route, including port infrastructure, navigation and icebreaking support.

    Rosatom will be also responsible for elaborating and submitting suggestions on establishing sea ports on the Northern Sea Route and developing infrastructure objects in these ports to the Ministry of Transport.

    The Ministry of Transport will consult Rosatom on normative documents regulating the functioning of the Northern Sea Rote, such as Bylaws of Northern Sea Route ports, icebreaking regulations, pilotage regulations, the list of Northern Sea Route ports, lists of port dues exempted in separate Northern Sea Route ports, etc.

    ‘Rosatom will be the head administrator of budget funds and also the administrator of budget earnings, will develop suggestions on state policies and in fact will be the ‘single window’ for potential investors and carriers’, said RF Premier Dmitry Medvedev commenting on the draft bill.

    Currently, Rosatom controls via its subsidiary Rosatomflot the nuclear icebreaker fleet deployed on the Northern Sea Route.

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