Rail Export via Ports

Rail Export via Ports

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    The loading of export designated cargo destined for Russian ports made 102.4 tons during January-April 2018 up 4.6% up compared to the same period of 2017.

    45% of the entire volume is coal. Oil accounts for 27.2%, ferrous metals for 9.2%, fertilizers for 6.8%, and grains for 4.3% of the loading volume.

    According to Russian Railways, the increasing of the loading of exports was due to the growth in coal volumes for 4.4%, ferrous metals for 9.2%, fertilizers for 13.6%, grains for 51.9%, paper for 7.4, timber and logs for 16.7%.

    During 4 months the loading of export to the ports of the North-West Region totaled 44.4 million tonnes, up 11.6% compared to the same period of 2017, to the port of the South Region – 25.4 million tonnes (-4.9%), to the ports of the Far East Region – 32.6 million tonnes, up 3.6%).

    In April the loading of export designated cargo destined for Russian ports made 25.6 mn tonnes, down 4.5% .

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