Султан Батов вернулся на БСК

Sultan Batov Back to Baltic Stevedore from Novorossiysk

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Sultan Batov, ex CEO of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port, was appointed CEO of Baltic Stevedore Company in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, w.e.f. February 5 this year.

    Previously, he had been CEO of Baltic Stevedore since 2002, when the company was established. In 2008,  Baltic Stevedore was incorporated into the NSCP structure.

    In 2014, S.Batov took over the helm at NCSP replacing Yury Matvientko.

    In November 2017, NCSP appointed another CEO, Sergey Kireev from Transneft subsidiaries Transneft-Terminal and Transneft-Service.




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