Экспорт и импорт зерновых

Russia’s Wheat Export Growing

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    During the 11 months of 2017, Russia exported 28.8 mn tons of wheat and meslin, which is over a quarter (+25.9%) above the figure for the same period of 2016.

    According to the RF Federal Customs Service, in terms of value wheat and meslin export grew 33% to make $5.05 bn.

    The major share of this volume, 27.4 mn tons, was exported to non-CIS countries. Compared to January-November 2016, wheat and meslin export from Russia to non-CIS countries increased 26.8% in terms of tonnage.

    Wheat export to the CIS was up 9.1% to 1.4 mn tons.

    In terms of value, wheat export to non-CIS countries increased 34.5% to $4.8 bn, while export to the CIS countries grew 6.9% to $227 mn.

    Import of wheat to Russia dropped as much as 56.2% to 246.9 thousand tons worth $37 mn (-57.4%).

    Import of barley grew 14.9% year-on-year to 168.3 thousand tons, and import of corn increased 35.6% to 46.1 thousand tons.

    In terms of value, barley import was up 79.7% to $32.7 mn, and corn import up 39.4% to $156.1 mn.

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