Фрахтовый рынок Азовского и Каспийского моря. Неделя 2, 2018

Azov and Caspian Freight Market. Week 2, 2018

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    The Azov Sea market is slowly turning back on track to the work regime after the holidays.

    Yet this report is showing the lowest levels seen so far, but according to Rufko brokers, trading activity will only progress during the rest of the week.

    This week freight rates to the Sea of Marmara from Rostov make $27-29 per ton, and from Yeisk $25-27 per ton.

    Freight rates to SE Black Sea ports from Rostov are $25-27 per ton, and from Yeisk $23-25 per ton.

    Caspian Sea trade is under pressure of similar circumstances and has corrected a bit since the last report.

    Freight rates for shipping wheat from Astrakhan to Iran are $40-43 per ton.

    Weather is starting to show winter-like behavior. That is why all Azov ports declared icebreaker assistance period since 00:00 January 14, 2018.

    Ice convoys waiting point are Kerch Strait anchorages, where vessels should tender NOR for proceeding in ice convoys.

    We remind you that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration proceedings.

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