Грузы РЖД

Russian Railways’ Cargo

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    In 2017, Russian Railways, the state owned operator of the railway network in Russia, loaded 1,261.3 mn tons, 3.2% more than during 2016.

    According to Russian Railways, coal loading increased 9.1% to 358.5 mn tons.

    Ferrous and manganese ore loading was up 0.9% to 110.5 mn tons, chemical and mineral fertilizers loading up 6.8% to 57.1 mn tons, timber and logs up 2.5% to 43.3 mn tons, grains up 16.4% to 22.1 mn tons, cement up 0.6% to 26.8 mn tons.

    Chemicals and soda loading increased 1.7% year-on-year making 26.1 mn tons. Ferrous metals loading grew 2.8% to 73 mn tons and scrap loading grew 4.8% to 15.7 mn tons.

    Industrial raw and forming materials loading increased 4.3% year-on-year to 36.5 mn tons.

    Other cargo types loading volumes declined. Thus, the loading of oil and products, Russian Railways’ second largest cargo, decreased 0.2% to 235.5 mn tons. Construction materials were down 5.7% to 132.9 tons.

    Non-ferrous ore and raw sulfur loading declined 4.1% to 20.2 mn tons. Coke loading made 11.2 mn tons, 4.7% below the 2016 level.  

    Cargo throughput in 2016 made 2,491.4 bn ton/km, up 6.4% year-on-year. In December 2016, cargo throughput grew 5% year-on-year to 219 bn ton/km.


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