В Астраханской области спустили на воду танкер-химовоз

Chemical Tanker Launched at Astrakhan Yard

  • ASPO Shipyard in Astrakhan region has held a launching ceremony for the 00216M “Azimut-1” chemical tanker, the company said in a statement. The vessel designed by Nevskoe Design Bureau is being built for Eurasia-Shipping-Caspian.

    The first 00216M tanker was delivered to the customer in July this year and is successfully trading, Denis Afanasiev, Deputy Chairman of the regional government said at the ceremony. Such vessels are in high demand in the Caspian and in other areas, he added.

    The yards incorporated into the Southern Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Center are winning more and more orders. In May, the keels for four 00108 container vessels were laid, dredgers are under construction, and contracts for building a new series of six dredgers have been signed, and a project to build a floating dock is to be implemented, Afanasiev reminded.

    The fleet under construction will support the trade relations between Russia and Iran in the North-South International Transport Corridor, Leonid Lozhechko, Eurasia-Shipping-Caspian Board member, said.

    The 00216M tankers is designed to transport crude oil, oil products, molasses, and hazardous liquid cargo, including products requiring heating up to 60 degrees Centigrade. They can load three different products per voyage.

    Photo: ASPO

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