Порт Суходол планируется открыть в сентябре этого года

New Sukhodol Port Inauguration Scheduled for September 2023

  • The port of Sukholdol in Primorsky Kray in the Russian Far East is planned to be inaugurated in September this year, Primorsky Kray Governor Oleg Kozhemyako said in a meeting with RF President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin press office informed.

    “The construction of new ports is in full swing. A transport and logistics centre for one million containers, or a so-called dry port, is being built. This means an additional 100 million tonnes of freight and one million containers. All told, 250 million tonnes of freight and three million containers will be added to the existing freight turnover. In September, the new modern port of Sukhodol for 20 million tonnes of freight will open. Oleg Kozhemyako invited the President to its opening,” the Kremlin press office said.

    The investment agreement between Far East Development Corporation and Sea Port of Sukhodol was signed in spring 2018. The project is aimed at providing access to port infrastructure for smaller and medium-sized coal mining companies. Initially the completion of the third stage of the port was planned for 2022.

    Photo: Kremlin press office

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