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First Block Train Runs from New Terminal near Dostyk

  • Eurosib-SPb Transport Systems has become the first operator to launch a block train from the new EUROTRANS GATEWAY transport and logistics terminal located near the railway station of Dostyk.

    According to Eurosib, the train carrying 110 TEU with a wide range of commodities from Xianguojigang in China left the EUROTRANS GATEWAY terminal on February heading for the station of Selyatino in Moscow region.

    The service is planned to be operated on a weekly basis with two departures per week.

    The EUROTRANS GATEWAY terminal covers a territory of 12 hectares near the Dostyk-Alashankou border crossing on the China-Kazakhstan border. The facility is designed to handle and dispatch block trains routed via the China-Kazakhstan border, store and repair containers.

    The container yard of the terminal has a capacity of up to 1,000 containers at a time, the annual terminal capacity is up to 200,000 TEU. Daily, the terminal can handle 8 trains, or 248 railcars.

    Photo: courtesy of Eurosib-SPb Transport Systems

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