Ванинский порт начал отгрузку негабарита на Малмыжское медное месторождение

Vanino Port Starts Loading Equipment for Malmyzh Copper Field

  • Vanino Port has started loading heavyweight cargo for the construction of a mining and processing plant at the Malmyzh copper field in Khabarovsk Kray.

    The heavyweight equipment was delivered to Vanino in containers, wooden boxes and as separate metal structures. The heaviest items weigh 130 tons, the overall cargo handled amounted to 10 thousand tons.

    At Berth 17 of the port, cargo is unloaded from shipboard onto trucks to be carried to the destination by road.

    The Malmyzh copper field with an estimated deposit of 2.4 bn tons of ore including 8.32 mn tons of copper and 347 tons of gold is located 274 km from the city of Khabarovsk.

    The field developer is Amur Minerals.

    Photo: courtesy of Vanino Port

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