Грузопоток по МТК «Север – Юг» через Туркменистан растет в разы

Freight Traffic by North-South International Transport Corridor via Turkmenistan Multiplies

  • Freight transportation using the North-South international transport corridor via Turkmenistan is steadily growing, RF Vice Premier Alexey Overchenko said speaking in the 12th meeting of the Russia-Turkmenistan Intergovernmental Commission for economic development.

    ‘While freight traffic in 2021 made 700 tons of cargo, in 2022, almost 62,000 tons and 220 containers was carried to-from Iran, Southeast Asia and Persian Gulf countries during the first 11 months,’ he said.

    ‘We see considerable potential for developing the eastern branch of this corridor via Turkmenistan to Iran and India, and we are ready to use Russian Caspian ports and Turkmenbashi for a broad variety of cargo,’ the RFV Government press office quotes A.Overchenko as saying.

    He also noted that establishing a union of the Caspian countries’ special economic zones, the issue raised at the 6th Summit of the Caspian countries’ leaders and at the 2nd Caspian Economic Forum, is worth paying special attention.

    Photo: RF Government press office

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