Транзит контейнеров Китай – Европа – Китай за 9 месяцев превысил показатель за весь 2020 год

Russian Railways’ Container Transit between China and Europe Exceeds 2020 FY Figure

  • During January-September 2021 container traffic from/to China to/from Europe by Russian railways’ infrastructure grew by 47% up to 568.7 thousand TEU. This is more than during the full year of 2020, when 561.4 thousand TEU was carried. Compared to the pre-pandemic 2019, the 9-month container transit surged 12.3-fold.

    Laden container traffic between China and Europe grew 1.5-fold year-on-year to make 542.4 thousand TEU laden with some 4.3 mn tons of cargo, up 1.6-fold year-on-year. Transit from China to Europe was up 1.4-fold to 379.6 thousand TEU, and that from Europe to China up 1.7-fold to 189.1 thousand TEU.

    The bulk of the containerized transit traffic is consumer goods, chemicals, cars and parts, machinery and engines.

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