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RZD Logistics Transports 230-Ton Pressing Machine from Voronezh to China

  • The Saratov branch of RZD Logistics has organized the transportation of a heavy mechanical pressing machine by rail from Russia to China. The equipment weighing over 230 tons in total was loaded onto eight rail platforms at the station of Voronezh-Kursky o be carried to the station of Manzhouli in China.  

    The consigner is Tyazhmekhpress, Russia’s only manufacturer of heavy mechanical pressing machines with a force up to 16,500 ton-forces. The consignee is China’s Jiangsu Longcheng Precision Forging.

    According to Vera Vtorygina, MD of the Saratov branch of RZD Logistics, at the end of May the company is going to load another pressing machine for the same customer.

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