«Росатом» выкупил 30% в «Деле»

Rosatom Buys 30% in Delo Group

  • Rosatom and Delo Group have finalized the documents defining the procedures for Atomic Energy Power Corporation, a subsidiary of Rosatom, to acquire 30% in the authorized capital stock of Delo Group Management Company.

    The document was signed by Krirll Komarov, CEO of Atomic Energy Power Corporation, and Sergey Shishkarev, President of Delo Group.

    The parties have decided to join efforts to expand the scope and geography of their logistics business, the companies said in a statement.

    The parties aim at developing a global leader in international transport and logistics business on the basis of their assets and competencies.

    The main focus of their activity will be developing multimodal and transit transportation between Asia and Europe via the Northern Sea Transit Corridor.

    Ehen announcing the deal last week, Rosatom and Delo said they plan to launch a new Arctic container line

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