New Rail Service from Vorsino to China

New Rail Service from Vorsino to China

  • Rail Cargo Logistics – RUS and Russian Container Company have launched a joint rail container service from Vorsino in Kaluga Region to Chengdu in China via the territory of Mongolia.

    The first train carrying forty-one 40’ container laden with paper, equipment and non-perishable products left Freight Village Vorsino terminal on November 24 and crossed the Zmyn-Uud border crossing in Mongolia on December 4. The transit time will make some 12-14 days. After customs clearance in Chengdu Rail Cargo Logistics – RUS will offer last mile delivery service for customers in China.

    The export service is currently operated on weekly or fortnightly basis depending on customer demand. Since February of 2019 the companies expect to make the service regular on a weekly schedule from Vorsino and other Russian regions.

    The partners intend to cooperate developing export, import, transit and domestic rail services, which will allow to utilize rolling stock at a maximum efficiency eliminating time loss while waiting and empty runs.



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