RZD Logistics tests Trans-Sib multimodal route from Japan to Russia

RZD Logistics tests Trans-Sib multimodal route from Japan to Russia

  • The RZD Holding has started to test a number of multimodal test shipments from Japan to Russia viathe Trans-Siberian Railway in containers fitted with temperature, humidity and vibration sensors.

    The project is being realising in frame of agreements concluded between Russian Railways and Japan’s Ministry of Transport in order to increase the supply of Japanese goods using a multimodal route through Russian Far Eastern ports and via the Trans-Siberian Railway.

    On 17 August RZD Logistics dispatched a 40-foot container by direct freight from the port of Kobe (Japan) to the port of Vostochny (Primorsky Region). Then the container was loaded onto a platform and shipped as part of an high-speed container train by schedule in frame of the service “Trans-Sib in 7 days.”

    Then the container will be transported by rail to Vorsino station (Kaluga region), from where it will be delivered by road to the warehouse in city of Khimki after the customs clearance.The delivery date is 1st September. Transit time will be 14 days.

    The delivery by rail is being carried out jointly with TransContainer.

    The next test shipment from Japan to Russia via the Trans-Siberian Railway is scheduled on 31 August.

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