«Восточный порт» впервые одновременно принял под погрузку два судна типа Capesize

Vostochny Port Handles Two Capesize Bulkers at a Time

  • Vostochny Port has accommodated two Capesize bulkers for the first time in its history, the port said in a statement. This has become possible after a new berth that increased the quay length by 55 meters was built.

    The current depth at the port’s two deepwater berths, No 51 and No 52, makes 16.5 meters, and the plan is to dredge them to a dpth of 18-19 meters.

    The overall quay length now makes 355 meters, which allows of handling two 180,000 dwt vessels simultaneously.

    Photo: Vostochny Port

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