Новатэк-Усть-Луга, Саханефтегазсбыт, Ставролен, НЗМУ – проведите переговоры с инициаторами инвестпроектов

Novatek-Ust-Luga, Sakhaneftegazsbyt, Stavrolen, NFP – conduct negotiations with project initiators

  • Over 100 delegates have confirmed participation in the 16th Annual International “Tank Farms and Oil Terminals 2021” Conference (24-26 November, St. Petersburg). Over 40 investment projects for construction and modernisation of processing complexes and ports, storage and processing capacities, pipeline and transport systems will be presented within the event.

    The Conference will include the Onsite Visit to Gladkoe fuel terminal, Gazpromneft-Terminal.

    Request the full list of investment projects

    Seize the opportunity to showcase your technologies and equipment to target audience from:

    • Novatek-Ust-Luga  

    Plans: A new phase of tank fleet construction is ahead. The tanks will be placed within the area of the complex for stable gas condensate fractioning. The fleet will unite four steel reservoirs for 40 thousand m3 of stable gas condensate and processed products – light and heavy naphtha.  In addition, a cable overpass, a pumping station for gas condensate and by-products, drainage tanks and other technological structures and communications will be built here. The operating engineering networks are being reconstructed at the site of the complex to be further connected with the tank fleet. To ensure technological transportation and access of fire trucks to the facilities, the project includes links to existing roads and to the area of Ust-Luga Seaport in the Leningrad Region.

    Registered delegates:

    – Deputy Chief Engineer for Production
    – Chief Mechanic
    – Deputy Director of Hydrocracking Division 

    • Sakhaneftegazsbyt

    Plans: Company’s technical retrofit includes renovation of outdated equipment at subsiding facilities.  Before OPS commissioning hydraulic and other tests for pipelines and tanks will be conducted. Once launched, OPS will ensure fuel supply from oil loading fleet to the facilities of Batagaysk tank farm.

    Registered delegates:
    – Chief Engineer 

    • Stavrolen

    Plans: The company is developing the project for construction of a gas-to-chemicals complex in Budennovsk. The complex will have two fields of activity: chemical, and polyethylene and polypropylene (Phase 2) productions. This will provide opportunities to develop the South of Stavropol region. Project investment amounts to 120 billion RUB. Development timeframe – 2024. 

    Registered delegates:
    – General Director
    – Chief Engineer
    – Deputy General Director for Capital Construction 

    • Nakhodka Fertilizers Plant

    Plans: NFP is a large-scale investment project for construction of a plant releasing methanol and nitrogen fertilizers. The plant will be built near the large seaport of Nakhodka. The plant intends to produce 1.8 million tons of methanol (Phase 1) and 3 million tons of carbamide (Phase 2) annually.

    Registered delegates:
    – Project Director
    – Head of Engineering and Design
    – Deputy Project Director for Design and Configuration
    – Chief Specialist
    – Chief Hydraulic Engineer


    Request the full list of participants

    Please note that these and other projects will be presented within “Tank Farms and Oil Terminals 2021” Conference.


    General Sponsor: Gazprombank.
    Silver Sponsor: KOZ Loading Solutions.
    Bronze Sponsors: ROSEN Group, BORSIG GmbH.

    Yulia Torba
    Project Producer
    Tel:     +7 495 109 9 509, +44 207 231 1600
    Email: YTorba@vostockcapital.com
    Web:   https://oilterminal.org/

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