Теплоход «Спарта III» доставил груз для строительства аэродрома в Арктике

Oboronlogistics Delivers Cargo for Arctic Aerodrome

  • “Sparta III”, the largest vessel operated by Oboronlogistics, has delivered cargo from Murmansk to Alexandra Land in the Franz Josef Land archipelago in the Russian Arctic.

    The transit time made 4 days, the vessel sailed part of the voyage unassisted and used the services of the diesel electric icebreaker “Vladivostok” from the ice edge to the pack ice.

    “Sparta III” delivered more than 7.5 thousand tons of materials for building an all-season runway for Russia’s northernmost aerodrome as well as containers with food products.

    The crew unloaded the cargo themselves during 7 days using the onboard cranes. Two more voyages of “Sparta III” from Murmansk to Alexandra Land are planned in the near future.

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